I LIKE IT HERE https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=64814845&msgid=1012290&act=N2Y5&c=352069&pid=4208234&destination=https%3A%2F%2Frivertownfilm.org%2F14230-2%2F&cf=126470&v=1fc6522823aca5d8ee5e87a5b5ae6235dc5db54aebabb0fa68ae9e4b7304d395
Directed by Ralph Arlyck
USA, 2023, 88 minutes
Wednesday, November 6
8:00pm at The Nyack Center
Ralph Arlyck, an important contributor to American documentary filmmaking, contemplates aging, mortality, living in the Hudson Valley, and finding contentment while looking back on his life, in I Like it Here.
People talk or laugh about aging, its irritations and relentless progression, but rarely confront the reality of dying or being left alone. Nor do they consider the lightness and calmness that can come when the race seems not so crucial. I Like it Here is about all those things and, finally, about the pleasures of being alive.
“Striking a sweet, often humorous tone, Arlyck navigates aging gracefully with a keen awareness of how parent-child relationships morph as time proceeds. With a simple and direct approach narrated by Arlyck––who early on asks “so what?” as the film makes sense of the loose threads that equal a life––I Like It Here is a beautiful meditation on mortality.” – The Film Stage
Community Partner
Congregation Sons of Israel, Program on Aging:
Living and Dying Well
For information about this program, email csinyacktech@gmail.com mailto:csinyacktech@gmail.com