by LeeAnn Mailly, Nyack News & Views
Here’s your Fri-Sun rundown of what to do and where to do it.
- In conjunction with American Heart Association, Nyack hosts the 2nd annual Village With A Heart weekend from Fri-Sun. The Nyack Art Collective hosts a First Friday of Art and the Heart to kick off the event!
Art for the Heart, featuring participating member’s artwork, from 6-8p, at p. ross, 89 Main St.
Relationships, a group art show begins at 8p at Prohibition River, 82 Main St.
Walk to the Beat presents Heather Cornell (physical percussion) with John LaBarbera (guitars) and Adriel Williams (violin). 9p at Casa del Sol, 104 Main St.
Venues on Main St and Broadway feature other artists and music from 5-8p. Click here for more details.
- Nyack Village Theatre celebrates Black History Month in Film, starting with Hidden Colors – The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor & African Descent. 8p at Nyack Village Theatre, 94 Main St.
- The Knaves of Children Shakespeare Theatre proudly present Hamlet. Fri and Sat, 7p at Tappan Manse Barn, 32 Old Tappan Rd, Tappan, NY.
- Last weekend to see Elmwood Playhouse’s performance of The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? by Edward Albee, an award-winning tragi-comedy directed by Peter Garruba. Runs through Feb 7. 8p at Elmwood Playhouse, 10 Park St, Nyack.
Nyack’s Village with a Heart weekend continues with events happening throughout Sat & Sun. Specials at participating shops and restaurants from 11a-6p. A Kid’s Cupid Crawl of Valentine’s Day specials lasts from 1-3p and a Cupid Wine Crawl starting at 8p. A special “Date–Nite” at Brick University – drop your kid’s off from 6-8p and enjoy a dinner out, a drink or some shopping. Children make a Lego Valentine gift for someone special. Reservations required 845-348-4747, $25 per hour ($5 goes to American Heart Association).
- Slavery By Another Name, based on a Pulitzer-Prize winning book by Douglas Blackmon, will be screened at 4:30p, Berea 7th Day Adventist Church, 67 South Broadway.
- ArtsRock presents an evening with Bodypainter Andy Golub in conversation with Elliott Forrest. One of the most acclaimed and controversial artists of our time who also lives in Nyack. Watch him work on his canvas, the human body. From 6-10p at Union Arts Center, 2 Union St., Sparkill.
- Carnegie Concert Series Artistic Director Yashar Yalowitz continues his The Life and Times of Chopin series. Tickets in advance: $20 Adult, $18 Seniors & Students, $15 member. Tickets and more info here. 7:30p at Nyack Library, 59 South Broadway.
- The Nyack Center’s Annual Black History Month Celebration “From Selma” and Fourth Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratory Contest is an evening of song, rhythm, and stories. Top finalists of oratory contest perform at the event. 7p at 58 Depew Avenue, Nyack.
- Animal House Fundraiser for Hi-Tor Animal Care Center. Meet fellow animal lovers and enjoy raffles, prizes, food and drink. 4-8p at 11 Burd St, Nyack.
- Nyack Village Theatre honors Black History Month in Film with Cabin in The Sky– starring Ethel Waters, Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Lena Horne, Louie Armstrong, Rex Ingram, Duke Ellington & The Hall Johnson Choir. 7:30p at Nyack Village Theatre, 94 Main St.
- Edward Hopper House Annual Members’ Exhibition runs through Feb 8, 82 North Broadway.
- Dr. Diane Goodman presents the third workshop in her series entitled Exploring What it Means to Be White. The final workshop is called Part of the Solution: Addressing Racial Issues and Fostering Racial Justice. 3:30 – 5:30p at the Fellowship of Reconciliation, 521 North Broadway, Nyack.
- Bill Batson of Nyack Sketch Log gives a presentation on the installation of a monument to the Underground Railroad in Memorial Park on May 18, 2015. Nyack has been selected to participate in the Toni Morrison Society’s Bench by the Road Project. The Nyack bench will honor Cynthia Hesdra (1808-1879), a Nyack woman who rose from slavery to become an entrepreneur and abolitionist. 2p at Nyack Library, 59 South Broadway.
- Outdoor skating each weekend at Ramapo Ice Park at Provident Bank Park, Bear Mountain Ice Rink and Harriman State Park. Check Websites for times and fees. Skating at Lakes Tiorati and Silvermine in Harriman is free but only permitted only when green flag is present. Visit or call (845) 351-2568.
Next Week
The Book And Pub Club, a book club geared toward 21 to 30-somethings, meets up to discuss The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson. 7p at Harbor Hill, 91 Main St, Nyack .
Rivertown Film invites you to meet the filmmaker, Jonathan Demme, for a discussion after screening his film, A Master Builder. Adapted from the 1892 play by Henrik Ibsen, the film reveals the hidden fears of a dying megalomaniac. 8p at Nyack Center, 58 Depew Ave.
“The Weekender” is published every Friday in collaboration with Nyack News & Views — Nyack’s #1 source for local news and information.